To the Editor: It happened last night at the All Boards meeting in Marlborough.
There was a palpable ring of positivity, hope and team spirit in the room. To foster and carry on this forward momentum, Marlborough voters have the opportunity to add John Rizza to the Board of Selectman come November. When approaching issues in our town, John is dedicated to thinking clearly about addressing those needs without regard to any particular faction, but rather the welfare of the town as a whole. It is not only his nice guy manner and terrific sense of humor that make him an effective team player but also his ability to listen, to compromise when needed but always to keep the short term and long term well-being front and center in the decision making process. John will prioritize his accessibility to voters.
Marlborough can count on John to bring calm and thoughtful solutions forward in the process of doing the best for Marlborough.
John and his family have lived in Marlborough and raised their three children here. During his twin sons and daughter's time at MES and RHAM, he was a constant presence coaching, lining fields and supporting volunteer events for the schools. His volunteerism for MYLE (Marlborough Youth Athletic League) is well remembered by the teachers and parents involved at that time.Those who are fortunate to know him and work with him understand how valuable he will be as a decision maker on the Board of Selectmen.
John will be around door knocking soon. Meeting him is certain to be a pleasure and bring a smile to your day. Vote for John Rizza, Democrat this November 7, 2023, 6AM to 8PM at the elementary school.
Respectfully submitted, Dianne Dunn