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Our candidates for the November 7, 2023 election.

Front row, L-R: Bill Lardi (Zoning Commission), Marcus Wilkinson (Board of Finance Alternate), Jean Wilson (Marlborough Board of Ed), John Rizza (Board of Selectmen). Middle row, L-R: Jack Fidler (Board of Finance), Anthony Bratz (Zoning Board of Appeals Alternate), Joan O'Connell (Planning Commission), Nick Hale (Zoning Commission Alternate), John Grasso (Board of Assessment Appeals). Back row, L-R: Drew Golfin (RHAM Board of Ed), Karen Pakulis-Paul (Board of Finance), Dianne Dunn (Planning Commission Alternate), Barbara Lazzari (Tax Collector), Will Guzman (Board of Finance), Charles Denler (Zoning Commission). [Not pictured: Erica Gorman (Zoning Board of Appeals), Koreen Ryan (Board of Assessment Appeals), CROSS ENDORSED: Lauren Griffin, Republican (Town Clerk), and Mike O’Neil, Democrat (Town Treasurer)]
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