PLANNING COMMISSION: 2 open seats, with 2 seats open for Democrat Endorsed Candidates under Minority Representation Charter Rules. MDTC has endorsed 1 (Joan O'Connell).
PLANNING COMMISSION ALTERNATE: 1 open seat, with 1 seat open for a Democrat Endorsed Candidate under Minority Representation Charter Rules. MDTC has endorsed 1 (Dianne Dunn).
Joan O'Connell
Retired RN with experience in Acute Care Pediatrics, NICU, Lactation Nurse, Triage Nurse, and Office Manager
Grew up in Marlborough; 5 children, 7 grandchildren
AHM mentor
Joined Sustainable CT to further commitment to continue the development of bike lines, sidewalk expansion, composting, and other critical sustainable actions for the health and safety of community
 With a strong healthcare background, committed to good stewardship of our community through equitable housing, open areas for town use, conservation, and sustainability
Dianne Dunn
 Former Chair of the Marlborough Democrat Town Community 2017 - 2022 
Community development experience
Founder and Director of community youth theater
25 years of directing musical theater
Previous political analyst on Capitol Hill