To the Editor:
In a letter last week Karen Pakulis Paul announced her candidacy for the Board of Finance. Currently serving as an alternate, Karen distinguished herself very quickly by the depth of her knowledge and her analysis of the town budget, taxes, and discrepancies needing resolution. She was one of very dew with consistent, nearly perfect attendance.
Karen is a professional financial analyst. As a financial controller, she managed a $65 million budget, all its statements, audits, capital plan, and compliance. In her role as analyst, she was responsible also for Expense Variance Analyst and all capital projects. There it is no surprise that Karen - and only Karen - found that the columns on the 2022-2023 budget as published under the old charter, did not add up. In two significant areas, a total of $56,000 was unrecorded or mis-recorded. She, the new Alternate was the only one who noticed. (The new budget under the current administration adds up!).
Because Karen is kind, caring and wholly committed to being supportive, she combines her financial acumen with her background as a human resources manager and trainer/facilitator to raise concerns and put forth solutions without hostility and without arousing defensiveness. She is exactly what we need on the Board of Finance.
Also serving on Sustainable CT, her skills are put to work toward community benefits such as food resources. Karen has two masters degrees and is all but dissertation for her doctorate in Educational Leadership. A mother, grandmother, friend and colleague, Karen genuinely cares and wants to serve her community.
Vote wisely for Karen and her Democratic colleagues, a truly knowledgeable and trustworthy team.
Ann Terezakis - Marlborough