To the Editor:
With 28 years working experience in Finance and Human Resources, advanced degrees in both fields, and a strong community focused value system I want to represent the residents of Marlborough by performing the financial oversight and responsibilities on the Board of Finance. I am asking for your support.
It seems like we just became triumphant over the growing pains from a 3-person to a 5-person Board of Selectmen. We finally have our accomplished Town Manager on board. And it’s election time! On November 7th we’ll be voting for 3 of the 5 Selectpersons again.
Not a big deal? I ask if would you be open-minded for a minute and let me explain why it might be a big deal. Whether you vote or not, you are agreeing to empower those people, whom you did or did not vote for, to decide how to spend an awful lot of your hard-earned money called TAXES. Most of the time you’ll have no idea what it’s being spent on until after it is done. If you question it, the response will be “It was in the budget. The Town voted for the budget.”
How does this happen? It happens because you are so busy working, taking care of family or a business, going to classes at night, trying to keep up with a home, you may have kids, coach sports, etc. It’s all called life. You don’t have time to attend town meetings to ask what’s going on. BUT I DO. I have time. I do ask questions of who, where, and why - when it comes to spending our tax dollars. Can I count on your support? Please vote.
Karen Pakulis Paul – Marlborough
Note: Pakulis-Paul is an Alternate member of the Board of Finance, but said she is speaking as an individual.